Through uncertainty births innovation. At the peak of the pandemic, our leadership team created a meal program where we could serve #GreatFoodWithCharacter safely in individual pre-packaged meals to our customers. We created a meal program that will meet and exceed your expectations. We have two options to choose from HB Social and HB Select. Both programs can be modified based on your specific employee needs. From start to finish our goal is simple–to make your employees happier.


There are many benefits to an employee meal program such as: 

  • Productivity Benefits: Our Employee Meal Program helps keep your employees focused and on-site. If the provision of free food and drinks for your employees can save 30 minutes of time, five days a week, for 50 weeks a year, that adds up to 125 hours of downtime avoided–the equivalent of about three weeks of full-time work!
                (Gross, Daniel. “What Companies Gain from Providing Free Lunch to Employees.” Strategy Business.)
  • Financial Benefits: Employer-provided meals are tax-free to the employee and can be 50%-100% deductible by the employer if they are provided on the employer’s business premises, and for the convenience of the employer.
                  (Fishman, Stephen. “Tax Deductions for Employee Meals.”
  • Workplace Morale Benefits: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, poor nutrition can lead to fatigue, mental ineffectiveness, irritability, lower energy, higher levels of stress and depression, and decreased productivity.

              (“Nutrition and Productivity.”

Hanna Brothers would love to partner with you to create a custom menu schedule for your employees while staying within your budget. We provide a variety of chef-inspired menu options, and we are more than happy to offer gluten-free, vegan, or vegetarian substitutes for those with dietary restrictions.


To learn more about how to get started with our Employee Meal Program, call (770) 460-0280 or email today!